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Writer's pictureBeverly Nickles

“The Risen Life” seeks the heavenly and eternal

If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. (Col. 3:1-4)

If you’ve placed your faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, then you walk in a new and “risen life”. Accepting Christ as Savior saves you from sin, death and hell and raises you with Him into the eternal heaven.

Living the risen life should drastically change your aims and focus from the things of earth, to your true home in heaven and eternal life with Christ. The only road to heaven is through Him; and you have been “raised with Christ” through His resurrection.

In these Colossians 3 verses, the Apostle Paul exhorts believers to do two things: seek the things that are above; and set your minds on things above. The first speaks of our desires, and the second of the thoughts.

This means continually to “seek” eternal things in heaven with the intention of obtaining them. Instead of seeking after this world’s pleasures and goods, spend your life seeking after Christ and His righteousness.

After his crucifixion and burial, Christ rose again from the dead and in heaven sat down in the place of honor at Father God’s right hand. Jesus completed His work on Earth, and by accomplishing that could make us complete in Him. Our Heavenly Savior should be our continual focus.

Similarly, we are to continually “set out minds” on Christ and his eternal Truth. Surrender control of our minds to Christ, and keep our thoughts and meditations on Him and His glory. Our minds, wills and emotions are a battleground. Allowing Christ to control them helps win the battle over worry, fear, anger and pride. He already won these battles. Walk in His victory.

Regulate the amount of worldly influence you allow into your mind. Repent (confess and make a real change) from unbiblical mindsets and put them out of your life. Replace wrong thinking by filling your mind with the Scriptures. Keeping the Bible alive in your mind makes it easier to focus on the eternal, and for Bible Truth to flow out of you.

Believer’s lives are “hidden with Christ in God”. This carries three key implications. Through Christ, believers have an intimate common spiritual life with the Father and Son. Unbelievers cannot understand the blessed life of a believer because it is hidden from them. Believers are eternally secure, protected from all spiritual enemies, and have access to all God’s blessings.

Seated at the Father’s right hand in the heavenlies, Christ has secured our salvation, and our real lives are hidden with Him. But our hidden life with Christ will be revealed when He returns in glory. Believers will be revealed with him in glory. And when He is revealed, we shall be like Him, for we shall see him as he is. Christ is the most important in life; and he is the believer’s very life.

A person whose mind and life are controlled by the Holy Spirit has a heavenly focus. He’s focused on Jesus Christ, who is our eternal hope. Beloved, you are risen with Christ. keep seeking things above. Set your mind on things above.

---Beverly Nickles

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